Work About

Hey, I'm Brendan.

I'm a designer with a unique set of talents that enable me to view product development from various perspectives.

Value Beyond the Cost of Goods

Transforming the way the contract renewal process looks like today, creating a more sustainable standard.

Value Beyond the Cost of Goods


Leveraging the value beyond cost of goods is a key strategy that the business uses to successfully renew customer contracts. Currently sales executives go through a manual, non-sustainable, and time consuming process to collect this data to prepare for customer conversations. As a result, the field only leverages very few solutions in those customer conversations, leaving unrealized value on the table that could be used to maintain or enhance annual operating profit (AOP) in contract renewals.


Over a course of 8 weeks, the team would utilize established frameworks to research the current state of the end to end experience, identify user needs, and design a concept prototype for the VBCOGs tool. The idea is to surface solution data to sales and increase visibility/oversight for VP's and solution owners.


  • Future state vision alignment emcompassing short-term goals, long-term vision, and success metrics for the initative.
  • Key insights derived from 15+ stakeholder interviews complete with user context, motivations, challenges, and ideas.
  • User personas representing user responsibilites, frustrations, and goals.
  • As is journey maps documenting key questions, actions, feelings, pain-points, and needs.
  • User stories & Acceptance criteria to document baseline needs that the tool would provide.

Phase 1: Right Problem

It is important to remember to step back from the project and allow space for operational planning to take place. With that, the team met together to align on strategic goals for the near future and long term. This aided in setting an agenda for research and design efforts.

Once that is completed, 17 stakeholder interviews would be conducted to grasp a deeper context of challenges, needs, and motivations. In additon, this helped us get a wholistic understanding of the customer lifecycle. From there the data collected was sythesized and stored alongside other useful artifacts provided to us through conversation.

Research used a method called "affinty mapping" to identify patterns in the data as well as capture the full picture of user challenges, needs, and motivations. Some of the key insights found are shown below:


At this point personas, journey maps, user stories, and acceptance criteria were developed in that order. This order was crucial for the team to ensure no one loses sight of the purpose for this initiative. This would act as a direct segway to an informed design output.


Phase 2: Right Solution

Diving right into the next phase, the team held sketch workshops to ideate potential soultions based off the acceptance criteria documented prior. This was in inclusive effort; meaning everyone could participate, not only designers.


Shortly after the ideation sessions, I personally stepped away to conduct a bit of my own research around the design system we'd need to utilize. Since the tool would be developed in Salesforce we'd need to be prepared with all the knowledge we could possible get. Educating myself on topics focused around best practices, use cases, components and patterns would ultimately place the team in a more equipped position. This is another crucial step to determining the feasability of our user stories.

I led technical alignment workshops that consisted of engineers, stakeholders, and subject matter experts in order keep a consistent line of communication and visibility into what I'd designed. On the other hand, referencing the affintiy map as well as other artifacts kept us on the right track to solving our problem.

A total of 6 stakeholder reviews took place to have the design crtitqued as it came together over time. Once a solid proof of concept was ready, it was time for user testing.

A total of 16 moderated sessions were conducted, which were designed to uncover usability issues, discover further opportunity, and generally learn more about our users. Some trends in the user feedback are shown below:


The Design

Feedback taken into account is now incorporated into an updated prototype.



During one of our first technical alignment workshops there was a ton of pushback from development in terms of fuctionality. We were told that certain features would not be possible or wouldn't work quite the same as the design. I was prepared for this conversartion, hence the reason why I spent ample amounts of time researching the capabilities of Salesforce. Ultimately I determined that the problem did not lie in the design but in the technical teams approach to sourcing data for the tool.

I proceeded to consult various members of the initiatve, emphasizing the importance of user interaction which forced an important conversation of feasability, desireability, and viability to take place. We eventually got the green light to work towards an ideal user experience and the technical team would have to make a significant but important trade-off. We'd continue to fully support them as they re-think their approach.

The way forward

A couple of final stakeholder design reviews took place before eventually handing off the first iteration to the development team, where we'd work together to make this solution possible!

Why this project?

This is the first project that placed me in a position of leadership. Accessing current objectives, identifying opportunity, moving forward to execute tasks were intimidating at times, but ultimately tested my autonomy and proactivity as a designer. Leading conversation and gathering others for collaboration will something I am now familiar with going forward.

This project was somewhat spearheaded by our design process. Typically projects are presented with requirements, acceptance criteria etc. This project was simply presented as problem and request for an ideal solution. It was up to design to identify the issue and prescribe the appropriate and useful solution. It also revealed a plethora of operational issues that needed to be addressed within the organization.

This is a testament to how useful an exploratory UX proccess can be; not just to create great solutions, but to better the business.

Unified Help

All the support and learning content you're looking for in one central repository.

Unified Help

Project Description

Unified Help a platform created give users the ability to receive help content across all products in one single location as well as provide more learning options.


We discovered that users struggle to easily naviagte help content across the products they have access to.


The objective was to create a platform that would host all help content in a single location and provide more options for learning.


Proceeding with a qualitative study helped us understand user expectations and preferences for help options. This also helped us understand if users believe having centralized help content will provide them optimal support for their learning needs. Some of the user feedback collected is shown below:



Based off of the study we defined targets below.



Taking user feedback and targets into account, I created a working prototype that would be prepped for testing.


Online Help and Guides

Users are able to read step by step guides on how to complete various tasks within other applications.


Product Updates

Users are able to recive product updates concerning products they're interested in.


Training Videos

Videos enable users to get visual training/help with specific tasks.



Connection/conversation is a great way to engage our ecosystem of users when it comes to knowledge sharing or problem solving.



In conclusion, having the prototype run through a usability test assured us that users targets were met. Our customers were pleased with the fact that help content was much easier to find and that it provided more learning options in general. Some of the user feedback is shown below:


Personal Loan

Curating the application process for loans based on user type.

Personal Loan

Project Description

Personal Loan is a service that give users to opportunity to apply for a loan.


The objective was to generate a curated service based off of affiliation with said bank that would allow users to apply for a loan with terms and or discounts best fit for individuals.


Kicking off a meeting with stakeholders allowed me to get a solid grasp of the scope for this project as well as setting a positive tone for the work relationship between design and product going forward. This would be benficial in the long run.

Working with a producer, I gathered all notes/requirements and got started with timeline planning in order to keep clear communication/expectations a priority.

After having a competeive researcg study ran, I began protoyping this flow in order have ready for testing.

Prototype Representation

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One of the many challenges working on this project was the incredibly short timeline. Having to generate a complete flow for multiple use cases was definitely intimidating. The way I handled this situation was simple.

Establishing a clear path of communication and constant updates/syncs helped not only put my managers mind at ease, but more importantly made sure that our prduct partners had no surprises and were able to clearly communicate realistic expectations to their respective teams.


The solution was eventually delivered to our dev team after extensive user testing/research to make sure what we built would actually solve user needs and business requirements. This project is currently in the iteration process.


A bit about me...

I'm an experienced Product Designer, specializing in creating engaging, thoughtful, and minimalist designs that balance customer needs and business values. I've successfully fostered and shipped multiple complex web/mobile projects from ideation to development, ensuring high-quality work throughout the entire design process as well as providing post-development support. On the other hand, when I'm not aiding in product development you can find me painting, kayaking, or enjoying a nice cup of matcha! 🍵

    UX Skills

  • Heuristic Evaluations
  • Double/Triple Diamond Processes
  • Competitive/Comparative Analysis
  • Interactive Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • Persona Development
  • Journey Mapping
  • Research Methods


  • Figma
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • HTML5, CSS3, Jquery
  • Sketch
  • Invision